Soul Awakening
Rejean C. Empath
BOOK NOW: 1 647 633 8555
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Preparatory Document to the Renaissance Treatment (Rebirth)
Preparation for the Rebirth treatment
“Rebirth to life with the energy of the dolphins”
This document aims to explain to you how the treatment you will receive soon works and the effects that you may experience before the treatment. Since this treatment opens your consciousness to a higher level, the energy of the Dolphins and the Star of Sirius ask me to explain the treatment to you so that you understand how it will work and what it will work on you.
During our meeting, you will experience a reconnection with your soul. We abandon the mind which wants to understand the past, which wants an explanation of the emotional wounds experienced before, whether in this life or previous lives. We moving forward only feel the union with our soul inside of us, in our heart. We decide to let go of the past to live in the present moment and simply BE. The treatment allows an integration of all this at the level of the heart. This union with your soul will allow you to feel more complete and deeply loved by your soul who accepts you as you are.
During the treatment, it is your soul which is present, which "returns to the world or Rebirth". You decide together, in union with it, to fully live your earthly incarnation in gentleness and ease and by being yourself. You make the decision together to abandon what is not you, which is no longer necessary for your evolution to "return to the world in consciousness". In addition, compared to other energetic treatments where we feel the Beings of Light outside us, this treatment makes it feel inside of us. It allows us to integrate that we are all united, that we are divinity and that we are part of a whole, of the Universe.
The circulation of water and energy that allows the treatment will bring the cleaning of your gland pineal, the opening of your upper chakras, the "reconstruction" of the fetus in your mother's womb, your rebirth in this world with softness and ease as well as the "reconstruction" of your inner child until about the age of 11 years old. Great liberations will be brought to you to allow you to reconnect with yourself and to be in touch with what you have to accomplish in this life. Following the treatment, you will feel soothed, complete and full of gratitude for being who you are. A love for yourself and a new perception of you takes place in the following days.
How the treatment works:
Dolphins will use their frequency of LOVE linked to the 5th dimension to allow you liberations in your physical and etheric bodies. The Energy of the Dolphins will bring a circulation of water in your physical body and a circulation of Light in your etheric bodies. Through this circulation, the emotional blockages crystallized in you can be released. This circulation of water and Light will allow you to purify each of your chakras, will free you from cellular memories that do not belong to you, that come from other lives and / or that are no longer useful for your evolution.
This circulation will also cleanse and reactivate your pineal gland located in the center of the brain, between the two cerebral hemispheres. Ancient cultures saw it as the seat of the soul. They believed that when this gland is operating at its optimal level, the substances it produces support the expansion of consciousness and allow access to parallel worlds that exist beyond the reality of the physical plane. It is the only organ in our body that is linked to space-time or the 4th dimension. The pollution of the air, our food and the use of chemicals crystallized this gland which is not currently working at its full spiritual potential.
Note that babies and children have intact pineal glands and of a good sizes. As puberty approaches, the pineal gland shrinks. The children's clairvoyance experiences then disappear with age. Over time, calcium deposits build up on the pineal gland. The pineal gland also calcified with the introduction of certain products, such as fluoride and chloride. Studies have shown that sodium fluoride, which is added to drinking water, which is found in toothpaste, in certain antibiotics, and on the coating of certain kitchen utensils, accelerates calcification. This circulation of energy brought by the treatment will therefore make it possible to clean it in order to bring back to our consciousness this Divine knowledge which is already in us.
Along with this, the Star Energies of Sirius will work through sacred geometry to reactivate the Tree of Life in your energies. The Tree of Life represents several stages in the development of man’s consciousness in order to reach the ultimate stage, that is, the start of the vehicle of Light (Merkabah). The Tree of Life allows Divine Light to adjust its frequency by degrading it as it descends into our material world so that it can tame it without being blinded. There are several steps to understand and integrate to be able to reach new, higher consciousnesses and to move towards our personal ascent. The Tree of Life allows us to pass them, understand them, integrate them in order to awaken our consciousness and be more enlightened.
The goal of all these liberations and this cleansing will therefore be to bring your physical and etheric bodies to be less dense in order to allow the Divine Light to penetrate more easily. This loss of density will free you from the heaviness of the 3rd dimension in order to prepare you to physically enter the 4th and 5th dimension. This Light will allow reconnection with your soul, the re-encoding of your DNA, the increase in your vibratory rate, the increase in your psychic capacities, your connection to the crystalline grid of planet Earth in order to allow you to evolve at the same rhythm as her and this, in softness, harmony and balance. This Light will allow you to LIVE and FEEL a state of being and love of 5th dimension.
Recommendation before treatment:
It is recommended the days before the treatment to pay attention to your diet, that is to say, reduce, or even eliminate, meat, dairy products, coffee, alcohol and sugar. It is also highly recommended to drink lots of water (more than you normally drink) and get good night's sleep. This will allow your physical body to prepare for this loss of density and start cleansing. These recommendations, without being mandatory, will allow you to receive these energies with more ease and gentleness
Renaissance treatment mantra:
During our meeting, I will give you a mantra to recite for the next 21 days. I am told that this mantra can also be used to prepare the treatment before our meeting. If this speaks to you and you wish to recite it in the days preceding your appointment, here it is:
I open myself to my inner light.
I reconnect to my soul.
I am LOVE..... I am JOY
I am reborn to my conscious life.
I embrace ease and love in my life.
I embrace my true being. I embrace who I AM.
Physical effects that can be felt before the treatment (as soon as you book your appointment)
- physical fatigue
- intense thirst
- decrease in appetite and / or change in food tastes
- more emotional (sadness, anxiety, anger, impatience)
- deeper sleep or vice versa, more restless sleep, dreams
- slight and temporary physical discomfort (ex: migraine, back pain, colds, digestive discomforts, ...)
- need to lighten the schedule, to find oneself alone (in nature or otherwise) and taking care of ourselves
- need to purify our environment (cleaning, sorting, ...)
- relational conflict that we thought was resolved which arises for new awareness and to give us the possibility of releasing buried emotions and redefining oneself as memories of the past that go back to the surface
- emotions that arises in connection with past conflicts that were thought to be resolved
- others.....
You will not necessarily have all of these effects. Just listen to your needs. The secret will be to drink lots of water to facilitate the cleaning process and to understand that these discomforts are temporary. If physical discomfort occurs such as back pain for example, take the time to meet the people who usually follow you (chiropractor, osteopath, massage therapist). When a work is done in our etheric bodies, it is important to also work the physical body so that it adapts to these new vibrations. In addition, you should not stop or change any medications prescribed by your doctor at any time. No energy treatment can replace traditional medicine and it is your responsibility to continue your treatments and your medical follow-ups with your attending physician.
Prior to our meeting, if you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to passing on these beautiful energies to you.
Thanking you for your trust.
Rejean Cliche
647 633 8555
More reading about the "UNITY" Treatment
* In appendices (optional reading)
The following texts are quite long and are not mandatory upon receipt of the Unity treatment. Do not feel obligated to read them if you are someone who likes things simple and short or who does not need to delve into and understand the various connections. To be consulted only if you are interested and you feel the need to expand on what has been written above.
- Annex # 1: Unity treatment in pictures and my teacher personal understanding of the treatment
- Annex # 2: Extract from the book “Laah-Tit; Vehicle of Light by Pierre-Henri Steyt» to understand a little about the history of Atlantis, its evolution and its decline
Unity Treatment in pictures (Sorry no picture available)
By the next images that I will show you, I want to allow you to make the links that I have been done during the preparation of the Unity treatment. This chronological explanation will allow you to understand the deep essence of the Uniqueness treatment as I (teacher) was made to understand it with the heart during the process.
The first image I was shown to make me understand the Unity treatment (1st image at the end of this page) is the image of 2 lines, one horizontal and the other vertical, which unite with the center forming the ONE (ONE = LOVE). This image represents the very essence of Unity treatment. This vertical axis unites us to the heart of Mother Earth while allowing us to unite with the heart of the cosmos, of our origin, of our Light. As for the horizontal line, it allows us to understand that we are all connected: the people around us, our past experiences; even the notion of past and future time is affected because time is in fact an illusion necessary for our 3D experience. Everything comes back to the center, to the ONE that allows us to be totally ourselves, in our Light, in the present moment.
Following this first image received, a book was put on my road, Laah-Tit, the vehicle of Light. It is the representation of the image that was shown to me previously and it is this vehicle of Light that will be reactivated in the Unity treatment (Merkabah in Renaissance treatment). In this book, it is explained that this vehicle of Light is different from the Merkabah and was used in the days of Atlantis.
When preparing for the treatment, it is the sacred geometry, "The Great Work" 2nd image) who was presented to me for the treatment. It is placed at the level of the heart. It is the 1st star with which I was put in contact 3 years ago and which represents the 2 lines that I was shown in the beginning. The connection was made quickly when I looked at this star.
At the same time, I realized that the mandala of the "Flower of Venus" looks like an atom which is in fact the beginning of all that is. (image # 1)
Look at the 2 horizontal and vertical lines that are also found in the atom, which come back to the center, to the ONE, to our Light. (image # 2)
In addition, in the process of my personal (teacher) preparation for Unity treatment, the Beings of Light directed me to a workshop on Atlantis. This workshop allowed me to go and find several understandings, including the notion of a union, the notion of those memories that are still in us, which are part of us and the notion of “reconstruction of the New World”. The memories of Atlantis are buried within us, are truly part of us. Given the notion of time which returns to ONE (horizontal line), we again have access to this knowledge, these memories in us in order to "rebuild" in our heart this lost world which has already vibrated in unconditional love for all that is.
Look at the following images and the link will be made ... .. the image of the 2 lines in Atlantis, the image of the geometry chosen before the workshop on Atlantis ... quite impressive in terms of synchronicity and resemblance ... the atom and the Flower of Venus are even in the center of the 3rd Photo….
Extract from the book "Laah-Tit, the vehicle of Light" by Pierre-Henry Steyt
Note: what is in bold and underlined in yellow was added by myself (teacher) to make the link with the Unity treatment that you will receive. I ask you to read the following in keeping only what vibrates within you and putting aside what is not resonating with you.
When we refer to the Earth in its energetic or spiritual aspect, we speak earlier from Urantia, sometimes from Gaia, or again from Urantia-Gaia.
Urantia is the name of the entity which the Source has commissioned to incarnate in the central crystal of Earth. The magnetic grid is then put in place. The atomic grid of an electric nature is then introduced into the magnetic grid to allow the matter to appear and to fix ourselves durably, thus defining our material reality. The mineral world can then develop, followed later by the plant world which also welcomes Beings from Nature such as fairies, dragons, dwarfs, undines. Then come to the animal world gradually settled composed of species and life forms collected from many other planets of the Galaxy, including Venus. Humanoid forms are subsequently implanted, according to the same principle. (we're talking about millions of years ago)
And some 100,000 years ago, the most likely humanoid species finally received
Pleiadeans (through DNA insemination) the sacred spark that awakens higher consciousness. This is how the crystalline grid is born through the association of the consciousness of humanity with that of Urantia which thus becomes Gaia.
This insemination subsequently gave rise to numerous humanoid branches, including the more advanced was the Lemurian civilization, which appeared 50,000 years ago and, in the aftermath, the Atlantean civilization. The fifty thousand years between sowing and the birth of the civilization constitute the time it took, on the one hand, to create a new genetic type stable within humanity and, on the other hand, so that other types of humans disappear. AT this title, we are therefore indeed Daughters and Sons of the stars.
To sum up, Gaia is the evolution of Urantia - when the consciousness of Urantia has associated with the consciousness of individuals (embodied creators) who have come to experiment on Earth (UNION between the consciousness of the Earth and those of individuals)
The history of Atlantis is therefore incredibly old. In some respects, one can consider that she has started before the creation of this Universe. By the chain of events that ran to his creation, its rise, its fullness, its decline and then finally its fall, it illustrates the typical diagram of the deviation from Source, the nourishment of personal ambitions and finally loss resulting from the resulting loss of the Service. In short: the loss of BE for the benefit of HAVING.
The pitfalls and phenomena that precipitated the fall of Atlantis are there today, everything is in place for history to repeat itself (frantic search for profit and immediate satisfaction of desires, pervasive presence of technology, barely disguised colonial wars, ruptures social bonds and frenzied individualism, resources and power in the hands of an "elite".
However, this is not inevitable and today we have the possibility of rewriting this
scenario, to offer him another ending. And if this period, associated in our unconscious collective led to very dark events, marked us in the depths of our memories (which represents our fears to be released through Unity treatment), let us also remember abundance and the harmony that characterized the Golden Age of Atlantis. (this state of being of unconditional love that we “rebuild” within our heart with Uniqueness treatment)
Lemuria and Atlantis
These ancient civilizations that lived on Earth ascended in their time and are most of them in higher dimensions. While it is still difficult to faithfully trace the course of events related to the great extinct civilizations, the exercise is even more acrobatic in terms of the Lemurian civilization, the latter having flourished on several dimensional plans. This confronts us with the difficulty that there is no Lemuria unique; because of its belonging to multidimensionality; we can very validly considering multiple versions, I imagine this explains the diversity (and sometimes inconsistency) of the reported stories. (every time I read something, I get inside to see how it resonates with me and I take what speaks to me only. I would advise you to do the same thing and to consider only the information which vibrates in you when you read them)
Our "modern" history, therefore, begins around 58,000 years ago, at the height of the Lemurian civilization. During a period of about 25,000 years, this civilization developed in a peaceful, calm and intuitive setting, in a territory (the continent of Mu) that is located in the middle of the current Pacific Ocean, and today almost completely submerged (vestige: Hawaii)
Although living in 3D-4D dimensional space, Lemurians have a very ethereal body, "Soft" and devoid of a skeleton. Their silhouette and features, however, resemble ours. Lemurians have self-healing and regenerative abilities and frequent when needed a type of Healing Temples which help them to reprogram themselves at the level energetic.
The Atlantean civilization, which appeared later than the Lemurian civilization, developed for her part, on a large continent located at the current level of the Atlantic Ocean and today disappeared, from which only the Azores and the Canary Islands emerge. This Atlantean continent welcomes over time migrants from Lemuria, who anticipate the slow engulfing of their lands. Other groups of Lemurians seek refuge elsewhere and so it turns out to be a hundred thousand Lemurians settle in the bowels of Mount Shasta to found the legendary city of Telos.
Originally, the Atlanteans established and developed a balanced community society and highly spiritual, also focused on wellness and healing. Thanks to their collaboration close to the crystalline universe, they build and maintain a technology based on a free and natural form of energy. Arts and sciences flourish in a climate of peace and abundance, all managed by Wisdom Priests in the service of the Laws of the ONE. But over time, partisan interests and personal ambitions lead part of the Atlantean elite to divert the resources and infrastructure of the community for its own benefit and to carry out territorial control strategy.
“Male” energies take over and the military gradually takes control of the cities. The Atlanteans are indeed committed, on earth, on the sea ​​and in the air, in aggressive campaigns of domination, at the same time as the energy production systems, poorly maintained by technicians who are no longer in service of the Righteous, show signs of weakness and decay. Resources are running out and the general spirits are heating up.
The decline spanned several thousand years, during which the Atlantean civilization experienced successively several natural disasters of phenomenal magnitude, aggravated by the greed and clumsiness of the ruling elites. These catastrophes lead to the outbreak of the Atlantean continent into five large islands and the establishment of a separate government on each of them (we easily make the link with our current governments on each of our continents). The decline is also found to be spiritual in nature, a consequence of the migration to the remote heights of Tibet, from the point of exit of the terrestrial Kundalini, which periodically moves and change polarity (again, we easily refer to our pole current magnetic moving)
Two ideological poles then crystallized, one on the island of Poseidia and the other on the island from Aryan. On Poseidia, the Atla-Ra priests and their engineers had the responsibility, the knowledge and technological means for the generation and distribution of energy. The energy on which the other islands naturally depended. Poseidon and its temples, was also a high place of teaching, healing and spirituality. The Aryans, for their part, monopolized agriculture and industry and produced food and manufactured products at a destination of the other islands. They had finally inherited the military organization of the confederation.
The "inevitable" conflicts over the control of energy production were the trigger of the ultimate nuclear disaster that resulted in the brutal shattering of the Atlanteans still emerging, colossal tidal waves and gigantic clouds of smoke spreading all over the world and the disappearance of countless populations and life forms. (still represent memories of intense suffering for us because whether we lived it or through the memories of our ancestors; memories transferred from generation to generation)
Some inhabitants, who had sufficiently raise their energetic frequency for it to be feasible, have however anticipated disasters and have chosen to establish themselves internally (where their civilizations are still present). As for the survivors of lower frequencies and led by a few guides who decided to stay with them, they took refuge on the parts of the land that remained emerged, then migrated to other shores.
This exodus spread in all directions, towards South America and the Caribbean (the Mayans of Mexico who worked with the planet Venus), as well as in North America; towards the Mediterranean, North Africa (Egypt), Asia (Tibet and China). Having disembarked, these Atlanteans entered the heart of the land, following the ridges and avoiding the coasts and flood plains in order to shelter from the waves. The transfer of populations and the exodus to the continents spanned several millennia. And this is how we find traces of ancient Atlantean establishments all over the planet.
See the link with the Renaissance treatment that allowed us to understand that we are coming from the stars. Also, see the link with the Union of Unity treatment. The planet that is becoming Gaia with the Union of the planet with that of individuals. The union of several planets of the Galaxy came to populate Earth millions of years ago, including the planet VENUS. The union of these planets with the insemination of the Pleiadeans about 100,000 years ago has come set up Lemuria, then Atlantis. The people of Atlantis, during the fall, then headed for several places including Egypt as well as America (the Mayans who worked with Venus) in order to continue evolution. From Egypt come the Essenes and subsequently our generation where all these memories are still present in us.
All this allows us to understand the memories of this lost world that may be in us ... memories that may come from the time we lived in Atlantis but also memories that come from our ancestors, that we carry in our cells following the exodus
These memories are the source of our greatest suffering but also are the source of our fondest memories of love, abundance and peace (before the fall). The Unity treatment makes it possible to go and release those wounds that we have carried over and over again in our subsequent lives in order to "rebuild" this lost world in our heart where we have kept these beautiful memories of happy days.
Preparatory Document for the "Unite" Treatment
Effects that can be felt BEFORE the meeting:
All the effects felt with the Renaissance treatment may still be present, in particular: great physical and emotional fatigue, various tensions in the physical body (including the back), extreme emotionality, events to make you realize important awareness and releases from past lives. There may be situations where you will feel the need to forgive yourself for your past, awareness to take off your masks, to be true.
You may also feel that your physical body is "undergoing" adjustments, upgrades, cellular transmutation, mainly at each associated gland to the main chakras (e.g. adrenals, thymus, thyroid, hypothalamus). The regions of the heart, solar plexus and root chakra will be greatly strained.
Know that the Unity treatment may lead you to your greatest wounds and your deepest fears in order to resolve them. You may feel very vulnerable. Several realizations will be brought to you, there could even be flashes of lives earlier for those who have this ability. Listen to your feelings. They will be the key to your understanding of what is being released. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel the need to understand what you are going through. I may be able to help you there.
Moreover, it is with the sacred geometry of the flower of Venus that I work during the treatment. The planet Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of love and represents magnetic attraction, romance, grace and beauty. The mandala of the Flower of Venus corresponds to the orbit of Venus around the Earth. The planet Venus rules the heart chakra. Wear the Flower of Venus helps us to ground the healing energies of Venus and alignment with universal love, compassion, and harmony.
New mantra
A new mantra is available for those who feel the call to recite it. This is not an obligation. The recitation of this mantra must come from the heart. The Renaissance treatment mantra can also be recited again if you feel the need to, as the elements worked with the Renaissance treatment continue to deepen with the Unity treatment.
I connect to the heart of Mother Earth.
I am ONE with all that is.
I feel safe and I agree to open my heart to Life.
I am LOVE…. I am LIGHT… I am WISDOM….
I align myself with the totality of my Being and I say YES to LIFE.
The Unity treatment is at the cost of $ 111.
We can receive this treatment as needed.
(a cycle of up to 5 treatments is suggested by the Beings of Light for in-depth work). A period of 30 days is required between treatments in order to allow the necessary time for understanding and integration at the heart level.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions before we meet. I can't wait to continue the adventure with you.
Thank you for your trust
Rejean Cliche
647 633 8555
Soin "Souffle de Vie" et "Lumiere d'Etoile"
From the start of the process started with Renaissance treatments, all treatments received up to the present have worked through sacred geometry to install and reactivate the Tree of Life in your energies. The Tree of Life represents several stages in the development of the consciousness of man in order to reach the ultimate degree, that is to say, the start of the vehicle of Light (Merkabah). The Tree of Life allows the Divine Light to adapt its frequency by degrading it as it descends into our material world so that it can tame it without being blind. Several steps must be understood and integrated in order to be able to achieve new ones from higher consciousnesses and to move towards our personal ascension. The Tree of Life allows us to pass them, understand them, integrate them in order to awaken our consciousness and to be more enlightened.
With the Starlight treatment, the Tree of Life is now in place and ready for us to may gradually increase this Light entering your physical bodies now and etheric in order to once again become the Being of Light that you are and to once again have access to your original memories and to your abilities.
The purpose of all these releases and cleaning done from the start of the process Renaissance was therefore to bring your physical and etheric bodies to be less dense in order to allow the Divine Light to enter it more easily. This loss of density will allow to free yourself from the heaviness of the 3rd dimension in order to prepare you to physically enter in the 4th and 5th dimension. This Light will allow reconnection with your soul, the re-encoding of your DNA, increasing your vibratory rate, increasing your psychic abilities, your connection to the new crystalline grid of planet Earth in order to allow you to evolve at the same pace as it, in softness, harmony and balance.
This Light that you now have access to with the last step of the Starlight treatment will allow you to LIVE and FEEL a 5th dimension state of being and love dimension in permanence in your life.
How to receive the Breath of Life and Starlight treatment
In total, 4 meetings are to be expected and each one is necessary to receive all of the elements because each meeting will work on different elements. So when you make the decision to continue the process, you make the decision to invest yourself personally for the 4 meetings.
The Souffle de Vie treatment takes place in 3 different meetings. Beings of Light to me mention that you have the choice to receive them in two different ways, depending on what you feel and according to your own evolution and need. You can therefore receive the Breath of Life treatment in one of the following ways:
* 3 meetings over a period of 21 days, i.e. 1 meeting/week for 3 weeks OR
* 3 meetings over a period of 3 months, i.e. 1 meeting/month for 3 months
Following receipt of these 3 treatments, you must receive the Star Light treatment for 30 days following the last Breath of Life treatment, which will complete the entire process. Subsequently, if you feel the need to perfect the process over time and depending on what you experience in your life and your development, the Starlight treatment can be received as needed without starting the whole process again.
The effect that may be felt before, during or after receiving treatment
All the effects felt from the start of the process may be present. Given that your physical body is preparing to receive more and more Light, it will be in big cell change. Rest, drink lots of water and listen to yourself is the key to facilitate the process.
New mantra
A new mantra is available for the Breath of Life and Starlight treatment if you feel the need to recite. I
I am free and in harmony with my physical body
I thank him for his intelligence, his beauty, his vitality and his health
I hear and respect all of his needs
At every moment, his cells are regenerating and transforming
to become ONE with the Light
I agree to integrate my divinity into it
With him, I feel whole and complete
Together we are DIVINE ESSENCE
Cost: $ 111 per meeting
Thank you for your trust and I remain available if you have any questions.
Rejean Cliche